The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering strongly encourages students to gain work experience during their academic studies. Work experience can be gained through co-op or internship opportunities. Academic credit can be granted, as a technical elective, for work experience gained through either an internship or co-op. Every 200 hrs worked is 1 credit and students can earn up to 3 technical electives to count toward their degree. Students may receive credit retroactively by 1 semester.
To receive credit for work experience:
- To receive credit for internship experience students must complete EGS 4034 (Engineering Ethics) before the internship experience.
- Students may do an internship before completing EGS 4034 but cannot apply it for credit toward their degree.
- Complete the EIN 4944 Registration Request Form
- Towards the end of the experience, students will need to complete the Practical Work Experience Evaluation Form
- The department will then email a supervisor evaluation form to the supervisor.