

The UF Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE) Department fosters research from theory and method development in data analytics, human performance and operations research to studies on specific application areas including energy systems, healthcare systems, human systems design, and production and supply chains, within various industries.

The ISE department faculty are organized in to five major research thrust areas:

  • Data Analytics – Focus on process monitoring and modeling, adaptive sampling, high dimensional data analysis, integrated simulation and optimization methods
  • Health Systems – Medical decision-making, personalized medicine, treatment models, quantitative human systems analyses in healthcare
  • Human Systems  – Human motion monitoring, activity classification, biometrics, usability in safety critical systems, human-robot interaction, driver safety, physiological signal processing/analysis
  • Operations Research – Focus on stochastic and discrete optimization, stochastic modeling and control, data-driven modeling, algorithm design and analysis, and network optimization
  • Smart Production and Logistics Systems – Supply chain design and operation, process datamining, statistical methods for data reduction, machine learning for process classification and decision making, data-driven stochastic inventory control, inventory and production planning for manufacturing and maintenance systems.

Specific areas of faculty expertise in methods and applications can be found here.

Research thrust areas are supported by various center and laboratory resources. Research in data analytics and optimization is supported by the Center for Applied Optimization, Data Informatics for Systems Improvement and DEsign Lab and the Computational and Stochastic Optimization Laboratory. Health systems engineering is supported by the High-quality Effective Affordable Lean Translational Healthcare – Engineering Lab. Research in Human systems engineering is supported by the Human Systems Engineering Lab and the Human Informatics and Predictive Performance Optimization Lab. The smart production and logistics systems area is supported by the Supply Chain & Logistics Engineering Center.

Intradisciplinary Research

Among the department research areas, participating faculty have taken advantage of intradisciplinary research opportunities. The Collaborative Research Seed Funding (CRSF) Program fosters joint research by faculty working in various disciplines in order to support larger-scale proposal development for Federal funding agencies.

Department Research Facilitation Initiative

The Early Ph.D. Student Award (EPSA) Program is an ISE Department internal initiative providing support for the first 2-years of Ph.D. student study. ISE faculty members identify highly qualified PhD students to whom they wish to make offers. The ISE Department makes the student offer and the faculty member commits to preparing proposals for external research funding in each semester of student support. Any funding realized by the faculty is used to support the EPSA student in their 3rd and 4th years of study.