ISE Distinguished Seminar Series

Date(s) - November 13, 2020
11:45 am - 12:35 pm

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Lauren Davis, Ph.D.
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University

Abstract: Managing supply uncertainty in donation driven supply chains

During the past decade, an increasing number of natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies have prompted significant research in the area of relief chain logistics and supply chain management. Much of the research has focused on challenges associated with stocking and distribution of relief supplies in response to sudden-onset disasters. However, issues surrounding donations management (i.e. solicitation, coordination, distribution and management) and its impact on the downstream relief recipient have been unexplored, particularly for food distribution.  Non-profit hunger relief organizations operate complex food distribution supply chains that primarily rely on the goodwill of donors to help them achieve their objectives.  Resources provided by donors represent sources of supply that enable delivery of goods to individuals at-risk of hunger.  This is particularly challenging since the quantity and frequency of donated supply vary significantly over time.

Based on a partnership with a local non-profit hunger relief organization, supply uncertainty is characterized within the context of food donations. Specific emphasis is placed on quantifying the extent of  uncertainty with respect to donor, product, and supply chain characteristics.  Several predictive models are used to estimate the quantity of in-kind donations and quantify the relationship between forecast accuracy, donation characteristics, and data uncertainty.  Furthermore, implications on operational efficiency and service delivery are discussed.

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