ISE Distinguished Seminar Series

Date(s) - November 06, 2020
11:45 am - 12:35 pm


Sara Behdad, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Florida

Abstract: Data-driven Product Lifecycle Engineering

The current technological progress and data collection capabilities open new opportunities to increase product lifespan visibility and enhance the manufacturers’ performance monitoring. This talk highlights the importance of product lifecycle data to the remanufacturing industry. It mainly discusses how the product lifecycle data help companies with facilitating the collection of used products, predicting the future reusability of them, pricing of refurbished devices, and finally designing products compatible with new business models such as subscription economy and product-service systems. Besides the significance of lifecycle data, the talk reveals the value of technologies such as robotics and blockchain in implementing Extended Producer Responsibility and helping remanufacturers make recovery operations economically viable.

Tune in via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 936 9569 8478
Passcode: 2i402x