Time: 3:00PM
Location: CSE E107
David Kaber is a Distinguished Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at North Carolina State University (NCSU) and an associate faculty member in Biomedical Engineering and Psychology. He is the Director of Research for the Ergonomics Center of
North Carolina and a NIOSH-sponsored Occupational Safety and Ergonomics education and research program at NC State. His current research interests include modeling and analysis of workload in unmanned systems operations, human performance
and behavior in autonomous vehicle use, and design principles for automation transparency in human-in-the-loop systems. Kaber received his PhD from Texas Tech University in 1996. He is a fellow of the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers and the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society. He is a certified safety professional and certified human factors professional.
Some Human-Systems Engineering Research and A Vision for UF ISE
This seminar will be divided into two segments, including a research overview presentation and a proposed department vision presentation. In the first segment, I will provide a brief description of the human-systems engineering field. I will review three research studies including an occupational ergonomics investigation of classification of human motor skill, a study on enhanced risk assessment for workplace hazard control, and a human automation interaction study of cognitive workload in upper-extremity prosthetic use. I will also identify follow-on research directions and funding sources. The vision presentation segment will cover my interests in the chair position, identification of future directions of engineering research, a view of the current state of the department from the outside looking in, potential future pathways, and some detail on how to get to where the Department may want to go. I will specifically address undergraduate education, the graduate program, research, faculty, administration, and alumni relations and development. My overarching objective is to recommend a broad scope for the department in order to extend undergraduate student training and graduate student research exposure as well as promote department research support and ranking.