Joseph Geunes has won the Fellow Award, for his professional leadership and outstanding contributions to Industrial Engineering, from the Institute of Industrial Engineers the world’s largest professional society for industrial engineers. The Atlanta-based institute has about 15,000 members and has bestowed the honor on about 520 members since 1950. Joseph Geunes is a Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida and the Director of the Outreach Engineering Management Program. His research is in the area of operations research in production and supply chain management He received his PhD in 1999 from Penn State in Operations Research and Business Administration. He has co-authored more than 55 scholarly articles published in peer-reviewed journals, has co-edited four books, and authored two books. He is currently a Department Editor for IIE Transactions and Area Editor for Omega. Professor Geunes has advised or co-advised 15 PhD student graduates and is currently advising two PhD students.