Gainesville, FL (April, 2011): David Thomas (BS IE 1971, MS ENG 1972) delivered the talk “Creating a Career: Millennials in a Boomer World” as the Gregory Lecture, held each semester as a part of the Sales Engineering program on April 19. Thomas currently serves on the board of directors of Fortune Brands and Interpublic Group, and is a member of Board of Trustees of Fidelity Investments. He retired as CEO and Chairman of IMS Health in 2006. Prior to IMS, Thomas was Senior Vice President and Group Executive at IBM and served as a member of IBM’s Corporate Executive Committee, overseeing all worldwide business operations. His talk covered a range of topics, including how to succeed in this modern, distributed world, accountability, communication and self-assessment. He also talked about being decisive, noting that one generally can never have enough information to make the “right” decision. “There is no right decision,” said Thomas. “You make a decision and then have to make it the right choice.”