Virtual conference participation will occur through live video conference sessions using the Zoom ( Meeting software. Each physical conference room at UFRAC (131, 133, 334) will have a computer workstation running a Zoom session throughout the time-block for each keynote, technical session or student paper session.
The Zoom registration links for each type of session, as well as access times, are provided below. Please note that you will be required to register to receive the actual Zoom meeting links and passcodes. Your registered access will be unique. Please do not share your Zoom information with anyone else, once you have registered. Related to this, your login information will be the same for all sessions within any session category (Keynote, Technical, Student).
Autumn School – ISACT Sessions
(You will use the same Zoom link for each student paper session.)
Available: 11/16/22 – 11/19/22 from 8:00AM-6:00PM EST;
Keynote Sessions:
(You will use the same Zoom link for each keynote speaker session.)
Available: 11/17/22 – 5:15PM-6:30PM EST; 11/18/22 – 11:00AM-12:15PM; 11/19/22 – 8:15AM-9:30AM
Technical Paper Sessions:
(You will use the same Zoom link for each technical paper session.)
Available: 11/18/22 – 8:00AM-6:00PM EST; 11/19/22 – 8:00AM-6:00PM EST
Student Paper Sessions:
(You will use the same Zoom link for each student paper session.)
Available: 11/18/22 – 8:00AM-6:00PM EST; 11/19/22 – 8:00AM-6:00PM EST
For virtual conference presenters, we ask that you arrive at your technical paper or student paper session (online) at least 5 min. in advance. Your video and audio will be toggled off and muted upon login; however, you will be permitted video and microphone use during sessions for your presentation and questions of other presenters.
In those technical and student paper sessions that include virtual presenters, online presentations will occur by Zoom screen sharing. At the time of a virtual presentation, the session chair will toggle on the Zoom “Multiple participants can share simultaneously” option. If you are the virtual presenter, the option will be activated at the time the chair is making your introduction and you should immediately share your screen and presentation slides. Once your presentation and Q&A is complete, the session chair will toggle the “One participant can share at a time” option restricting any other shares.
When you arrive at the session, please immediately go to open mic and announce arrival (“Hello, my name is… I am the Xth presenter in the session.”) The session chair will be tracking the Zoom session and will acknowledge your presence and ask for your affiliation information. Please restate your name and affiliation.
When you are called on for your talk, we ask that you immediately toggle on your video and ensure your mic is unmuted. The session chair will introduce you on Zoom and in the physical conference room. You will have 15 min. for your presentation, including 2 min. for questions. (Please prepare for a 13 min. talk.) Given the additional complexity of coordinating a hybrid meeting, we ask that all presenters are respectful of the defined presentation time limit. Please note that session chairs will prompt you at 3 min. remaining and 1 min. remaining during your talk.
The session chairs will coordinate questions for you:
- For on-site questions, the chairs will repeat the question and call for your response.
- For questions from the Zoom audience, we ask that you respond directly and promptly with open mic.
- For questions in the Zoom chat, the session chair will read the questions and call for your prompt reply.
For virtual session attendees, your video and audio will also be toggled off and muted upon login. Although we are permitting video and microphone use during sessions for attendees to pose questions, please remain off video and muted unless you are speaking. We also ask that you “raise your hand” in Zoom to pose questions during sessions. Session chairs will be tracking the Zoom session and will call on you for your question or will read questions entered in the chat sessions as part of the Zoom meeting.