IEEE 3rd International Conference on Human-Machine Systems
Papers for Regular, Special, and PhD Sessions
The conference will accept Regular Papers (6 pages), Short Papers (4 pages), and Poster summaries (1 page). Regular papers should provide complete and high-quality contributions to the field. Short Papers are expected to cover recent research outcomes that are not yet mature enough for a regular paper or a journal contribution but still provide novel insights into a specific problem. Posters should ideally show work in progress or applications/demos that can be best presented in an interactive discussion with an audience at the meeting. All submissions must be uploaded via the EasyChair Conference organization system. Submission to a Regular Session or a Ph.D. Research Session should focus on topics such as:
Affective Computing Assistive Technology Augmented Cognition Brain-Machine Interfaces Companion Technologies Ethical Aspects of Human-Machine Systems Human Factors Human Performance Modeling Human-Computer Interaction Human-Machine Cooperation and Systems Human-Machine Interface and Communications Human-Robot Interaction Information Visualization Interactive Design Science and Engineering |
Interactive and Digital Media Interactive Tools for the Digital Humanities Kansei (sense/emotion) Engineering Mental Models Multi-User Interaction Recommender Systems Resilience Engineering in Human-Machine Systems Systems Safety and Security Team Performance and Training Systems Usability and User Profiling User Interface Design User Monitoring Virtual and Augmented Reality Systems Wearable Computing Web Intelligence and Interaction |
All Special Session submissions must include at least 4-5 research contributions/abstracts clearly addressing a common HMS topic area. It is preferred that any proposals address the overarching conference theme of “human-autonomy teaming”. Special Session submissions without topical coherence of abstracts will be rejected but component abstracts may be considered as individual contributions.
Formatting Instructions
Complete manuscripts must be electronically submitted through the conference website using EasyChair. Submitted manuscripts can be Regular (6 pages) or Short (4 pages) papers or a Poster summary (1 page) with all appearing in IEEE two-column format, including figures, tables, and references. Please use the templates at Manuscript Templates for IEEE Conference Proceedings to prepare your paper. All submissions MUST be in PDF format.
Proceedings and Post-Conference Publications
Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. Papers included in IEEE Xplore will also be indexed by EI Compendex. In addition, the conference will offer to publish extended versions of selected papers in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. Further details will be provided on the special issue at the time of the conference.
Review Process
The ICHMS Technical Program Committee (TPC) will be headed by a group of Program Chairs (Editors). A team of Senior TPC members (Associate Editors (AEs)) will handle the main review process by relying on a large team of expert reviewers. The AEs will provide recommendations (with meta-reviews) to the Program Chairs for final decisions. Authors of accepted papers will need to register online for the conference before the early registration deadline in order for papers to be published in the conference proceedings. Papers must also be presented during the conference. If a paper is not presented, it will be removed from the IEEE Xplore Online Proceedings.
Deadlines for All Contributions
- Deadline for submission of abstracts (500 words) for all session types:
June 1, 2022June 15, 2022 - Acceptance notification: June 30, 2022
- Papers due: August 31, 2022
- Acceptance notification: September 30, 2022
- Deadline for early registration and final papers: October 31, 2022
Related Special Issue in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
“Featured Research from the 3rd International Conference on Human-Machine Systems”
This special issue (SI) is motivated by the success of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society’s 1st and 2nd ICHMS events. This series of meetings is intended to advance the development and dissemination of research to support the science and engineering of human-machine systems at multiple levels, including systems, computing technology, and human-automation interaction. The conference series focuses on methodological innovations and novel applications for practice, including all types of human-autonomous systems. The quality of contributions to this series of meetings has been high and many of the papers could have been considered for publication as regular papers in an IEEE journal.
With this in mind, the SI will be hosted by the IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (THMS) and will seek high-quality and significant extensions of contributions to ICHMS 2022. Any manuscript submitted to the SI, and ultimately published in THMS, will be required to present an extension of a research study (presented at the conference) with no less than 40% new results, inferences and conclusions for the scientific community.
Submissions to the SI will align with the call for contributions to ICHMS 2022 and must also fall within the scope of THMS. We welcome a broad range of contributions for advancing understanding of human-autonomy teaming, whether through analysis, design, operations or other aspects. Potential contributions will address the topics of interest to the meeting. The SI will be published in a single issue of THMS. The SI will serve as a forum for multidisciplinary and systematic research investigations presented at the 3rd ICHMS. In specific, the publication is expected to reveal new guidelines for design and engineering of technology to support human teaming with autonomous agents in various types of systems. It is important to note that any submission to the special issue must have been accepted to the 3rd ICHMS in order to be considered by THMS for potential publication. THMS will consider both full regular papers and technical correspondence submissions, based on the prior conference paper publications.
All manuscript submissions for the SI will be submitted through the THMS Manuscript Central site.
Authors will need to elect the SI on “Featured Research from the 3rd International Conference on Human-Machine Systems”. For detailed submission information, subsequent to the ICHMS event, please refer to “Information for Authors” at
Guest Editors
- David Kaber, University of Florida
- USA,
- Andreas Nüernberger, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
- Germany,
- Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria
- Italy,