Once your abstract submission has been accepted, you will have the opportunity to prepare a full paper for the conference (based on your target submission type; regular paper, short paper, poster). Below are the steps to preparing your submission.
Create your paper with its length limited to 6 pages for regular papers, 4 pages for short papers, and a 1-page summary for posters, including references and illustrations (please refer to the IEEE Conference templates to draft your paper).
(Note: The ICHMS series does not use a blind review process. All paper submissions must identify authors and affiliations, according to the IEEE template.)
Once your full paper has been prepared, you will need to upload it to the ICHMS22 EasyChair site. Below are steps for making your submission:
- Log in to EasyChair. Click on the link “My Submissions”.
- Update your paper submission.
- Upload the paper PDF file that you previously created.
Do not forget to register for the conference by the identified deadline. Otherwise, we will not be able to publish your paper in the proceedings. For conference registrations, please visit this site: ICHMS Registration 2022.
Should you have any concerns on your paper submission, please contact the publication chair for the conference:
Antonio Guerrieri aguerrieri@deis.unical.it