Once your abstract submission has been accepted, you will have the opportunity to prepare a full paper for the conference (based on your target session type). Below are steps to preparing your submission.
- Create your camera ready paper with its length limited to 6 pages for regular papers, 4 pages for short papers, and a 1-page summary for posters, including references and illustrations (please refer to the IEEE Conference templates to draft your paper).
(Note: The ICHMS series does not use a blind review process. All paper submissions must identify authors and affiliations, according to the IEEE template.)
- Add the copyright notice to the bottom left of the first page of your source document.
- The copyright notice must appear as follows:
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
- For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 978-1- 6654-5238-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 Crown
- For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 978-1-6654-5238-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 European Union
- For all other papers, the copyright notice is: 978-1-6654-5238-0/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
- Here you can find a pdf template of how the copyright notice must be inserted at the bottom left of your first page. Detailed instructions can be found here. An example LaTex code snippet is as follows:
- To be inserted after \maketitle:
\lfoot{978-1-6654-5238-0/22/\$31.00~\copyright2022 IEEE}
- To be inserted after \maketitle:
- Proofread and check the layout of your manuscript BEFORE proceeding to IEEE PDF eXpress. Any manuscripts deviating from the IEEE conferences template will be rejected by the software.
- Create an IEEE PDF eXpress account at https://ieee-pdf-express.org (conference ID is 56717X).
- Upload your source file(s) for conversion and/or PDF(s) for checking.
- Use IEEE PDF eXpress to generate IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF(s). The site contains extensive instructions, resources, helpful hints, and access to technical support.
- Once your paper is approved in PDF eXpress, download the file and create a zip file version containing the following:
- your final paper checked by PDF eXpress
- all source files for your paper
Steps for Camera Ready Submission
Once your full paper has been prepared according to the above process, you will need to return to the ICHMS22 EasyChair site for uploading your file. Below are steps to making your submission.
- Log in to EasyChair. Click on the link “proceedings author (IEEE Proceedings)”.
- Click on “Sign Copyright Agreement” in order to submit your copyright transfer.
- Upload the camera ready zip file that you previously created.
Do not forget to register for the conference by the identified deadline. Otherwise, we will not be able to publish your paper in the proceedings. For conference registrations, please visit this site: ICHMS Registration 2022.
Should you have any concerns on your final paper submission, please contact the publication chair for the conference:
Antonio Guerrieri aguerrieri@deis.unical.it.