

Selected Working Papers

  1. Dynamic Incentives in Service Contracting (w/ Xiaohan Zhu) [pdf]
  2. Matching and Learning for Service Platforms (w/ Shiwei Chai & Jingtong Zhao). [pdf]

Published or Accepted Papers

  1. Xiaohan Zhu & Xu Sun. Dynamic Control of a Make-to-Order System Under Model Uncertainty. Management Science (forthcoming) [pdf]
  2. Xu Sun, Shiwei Chai, Anand Paul, & Lingjiong Zhu (2024). Enhancing Make-to-Order Manufacturing Agility: When Flexible Capacity Meets Dynamic Pricing. Production and Operations Management. [link]
  3. Xu Sun & Yunan Liu (2024). Optimal Interventions of Infectious Disease. Naval Research Logistics. [link]
  4. Shiwei Chai, Xu Sun, & Hossein Abouee Mehrizi (2023). Customer Scheduling in Large Service Systems Under Model Uncertainty. Operations Research. [link]
  5. Xu Sun & Weiliang Liu (2023). Expanding Service Capabilities Through an On-Demand Workforce. Operations Research. [link]
  6. Xiaohan Zhu & Xu Sun (2022). On Dynamic Pricing Under Model Uncertainty. Naval Research Logistics. [link]
  7. Weiliang Liu & Xu Sun (2022). Energy-Aware and Delay-Sensitive Management of a Drone Delivery System. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. [link]
  8. Yunan Liu, Xu Sun, & Kyle Hovey (2022). Scheduling to Differentiate Service in a Multiclass Service Systems. Operations Research, 70(1), 527-544. [link]
  9. Xu Sun & Yunan Liu (2021). Staffing Many-Server Queues with Autoregressive Inputs. Naval Research Logistics, 68(3), 312-326. [link]
  10. Agostino Capponi, Xu Sun, & David Yao (2020). A Dynamic Network Model of Interbank Lending -Systemic Risk and Liquidity Provisioning. Mathematics of Operations Research, 45(3), 1127-1152. [link]
  11. Bo Sun, Xu Sun, Danny Tsang, & Ward Whitt (2019). Optimal Battery Purchasing and Charging Strategy at Electric Vehicle Battery Swap Stations. European Journal of Operational Research, 279(2), 524-539. [link]
  12. Xu Sun & Ward Whitt (2018). Delay-Based Service Differentiation with Many Servers and Time-Varying Arrival Rates. Stochastic Systems, 8(3), 230-263. [link]
  13. Xu Sun & Ward Whitt (2018). Creating Work Breaks from Available Idleness. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 20(4), 721-736. [link]
  14. Xu Sun (2018). Heavy-Traffic Limits for Server Idle Times with Customary Server-Assignment Rules. Operations Research Letters, 46(1), 44-50. [link]
  15. Xu Sun (2014). Asymmetric Kernel Density Estimation Based on Grouped Data with Applications to Loss Model. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 43(3), 657-672. [link]