Ph.D. Texas Tech University, 1996
MSIE University of Central Florida, 1993
BS University of Central Florida, 1991
David Kaber is currently the Dean’s Leadership Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Florida (UF). Prior to joining UF, Kaber was a distinguished professor of industrial engineering at North Carolina State University where he also served as the Director of Research for the Ergonomics Center of North Carolina. Kaber’s primary area of research interest is human-systems engineering with a focus on human-automation interaction, including design and analysis for situation awareness in complex human in-the-loop systems. Domains of study for his research have included physical work systems, industrial safety systems, robotic systems, transportation systems and healthcare. Kaber is a senior member of IEEE and previous Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. He is a Fellow of Institute of Industrial Engineers and a Fellow of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society. Kaber is also a Certified Human Factors Professional (BCPE) and a Certified Safety Professional (BCSP).