Thanks a lot to federal agencies (including NSF, DOD, DOE, and DOT) and industrial companies for supporting my research.
Selected grants are listed as follows:
- National Science Foundation 1436749: Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Electricity Markets, PI: Y. Guan, $236K. (August 2014 to July 2017)
- National Science Foundation 1434256: Collaborative Research: Travel Support for Student to Attend ISERC 2014 in Montreal, PI: Y. Guan, $5K. (April 2014 to January 2015)
- National Science Foundation 1202264: Chance-Constrained and Robust Optimization for Power Systems with Intermittent Renewable Generation, PI: Y. Guan, $234K. (August 2012 to August 2015)
- Office of Naval Research, Young Investigator Award, N000141010749: Multi-Stage Formulations and Solution Methods for Mixed Integer Programming Under Uncertainty.
- National Science Foundation CAREER Award 0942156: A Study of Stochastic and Robust Integer Programming: Algorithms, Computations and Applications.
- National Science Foundation 0942154: Polyhedral Combinatorics and Algorithms for Stochastic Integer Programming.
- National Science Foundation 0725843: Collaborative Research: Revenue Management in Logistics and Distribution.
- Department of Defense AF06-330-Phases I and II: Advanced MRO Multi-Echelon Planning and Scheduling.
- Department of Transportation: Inter-Modal Containerized Freight Security-Phases I and II.
- Center for Engineering Logistics and Distribution (CELDi): Improve Inventory Accuracy through Optimal Cycle Counting.