Edited Books
- J. Geunes, E. Akcalı, P.M. Pardalos, H.E. Romeijn, and Z.J. Shen, eds. Applications of Supply Chain Management and E-commerce Research in Industry, Springer, 2005.
Book Chapters
- E. Akcalı. Recycling. In J.J. Cochran (Editor in Chief), Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley, 2011.
- M.J. Cote, M.A. Smith, D. Eitel, and E. Akcalı. Forecasting the demand for emergency department services. In J. Shiver and D. Eitel (Eds.), Optimizing Emergency Department Throughput: Operations Management Solutions for Health Care Decision Makers, CRC Press, 2010.
- A. Alptekinoglu, A. Grasas, and E. Akcalı. Is Assortment Selection a Popularity Contest? A Study of Assortment, Return Policy and Pricing Decisions of a Retailer. In S. Netessine and C.S. Tang (Eds.), Consumer-Driven Demand and Operations Management Models, Springer, 2009.
Refereed Journals
- E. Akçalı, A. Springer, X. Burley, C.D. Ballin, E. Colon. From Value Stream Mapping to Choreographic Tension Mapping: Preliminary results and insights from an exploratory study, Journal of Dance Education, 2023, accepted for publication.
- E. Akçalı, J. Williams, R. Burress, A. Aguila, M. Buraglia. In their own words: Student perceptions of technical poetry writing in discipline-specific undergraduate engineering courses: Opportunities and challenges, INFORMS Transaction on Education, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1287/ited.2023.0284
- T. Lodemann, E. Akçalı, and R. Fernandez. Process modeling of ABCDE primary survey in trauma resuscitations: A crucial first step for agent-based simulation modeling of complex team-based clinical processes, Simulation in Healthcare, 2022, v 17, n 6, p 425-432. DOI: 10.1097/SIH.0000000000000622
- Y. Zhang, E. Akçalı, and S. Çetinkaya. An analytical investigation of alternative batching policies for remanufacturing under stochastic demands and returns, IISE Transactions, 2021, v 53, n 9, p 990-1009. DOI:10.1080/24725854.2020.1817632
- S. Valipoor, M. Hatami, H. Hakimjavadi, E. Akçalı, W.A. Swan, G. De Portu. Data-driven design strategies to address crowding and boarding in an emergency department: A discrete-event simulation study. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 2021, v 14, n 2, p 161-177.
- S. Çetinkaya, Y. Zhang, and E. Akçalı. Vendor-buyer inventory problem revisited: modeling random yield and trade credit, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2017, v 68, n 10, p 1265-1278. DOI: 10.1057/s41274-016-0110-6
- I. Karakayalı, E. Akcalı, S. Cetinkaya, and H. Uster. Capacitated replenishment and disposal planning for multiple products with resalable returns, Annals of Operations Research, 2013, v 203, n 1, 325-350.
- M.J. Cote, M.A. Smith, D.R. Eitel, and E. Akcalı. Forecasting emergency department arrivals:
A tutorial for emergency department directors, Hospital Topics, 2013, v 91, n 1, p 9-19. - E. Akcalı and S. Cetinkaya. Quantitative models for inventory and production planning in closed-loop supply chains, International Journal of Production Research, 2011, v 49, n 8, p 2373-2407.
- I. Karakayalı, H. Emir-Farinas, and E. Akcalı. Pricing and recovery planning for demanufacturing operations with multiple used products and multiple reusable components, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2010, v 59, n 1, p 55-63.
- E. Akcalı, S. Cetinkaya, and H. Uster. Network design for reverse and closed-loop supply chains: an annotated bibliography of models and solution approaches, Networks, 2009, v 53, n 3, p 231-248.
- E. Akcalı and Z.P. Bayındır. Analyzing the effects inventory cost allocation policies in a disassembly and recovery environment, International Journal of Production Research, 2008, v 46, n 10, p 267–288.
- H. Uster, G. Easwaran, E. Akcalı and S. Cetinkaya. Benders decomposition with alternative multiple cuts for a multi-product closed-loop supply chain network design model, Naval Research Logistics, 2007, v 54, n 8, p 890–907.
- M. Yavuz and E. Akcalı. Production smoothing in just-in-time manufacturing systems: a review of models and solution approaches, International Journal of Production Research, 2007, v 45, n 16, p 3579–3597.
- I. Karakayalı, H.E. Farinas, and E. Akcalı. An analysis of decentralized collection and processing operations for end-of-life products, Journal of Operations Management, 2006, v 25, n 6, p 1161–1183.
- I.S. Bakal and E. Akcalı. Effects of random yield in remanufacturing with price-sensitive supply and demand, Production & Operations Management, 2006, v 15, n 3, p 407–420.
- E. Akcalı, M.J. Cote, and C.-I. Lin. A network flow approach to optimizing hospital bed capacity decisions, Health Care Management Science, 2006, v 9, n 3, p 391–404.
- M. Yavuz, E. Akalı, and S. Tufekci. A hybrid meta-heuristic for the batching problem in just- in-time flow shops, Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 2006, v 5, n 3, p 371–393.
- M. Yavuz, E. Akcalı, and S. Tufekci. Optimizing production smoothing decisions via batch selection for mixed-model just-in-time manufacturing systems with arbitrary setup and processing times, International Journal of Production Research, 2006, v 44, n 15, p 3061–3082.
- S. Sindhuchao, H.E. Romeijn, E. Akcalı, and R. Boondiskulchok. An integrated inventory- routing system for multi-item joint replenishment with limited vehicle capacity, Journal of Global Optimization, 2005, v 32, n 1 p 93–118.
- E. Akcalı, A. Ungor, and R. Uzsoy. Short-term capacity allocation problem with tool and setup constraints, Naval Research Logistics, 2005, v 52, n 8, p 754–764.
- E. Akcali, K. Nemoto, and R. Uzsoy. Cycle time reduction for photolithography process in semiconductor manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2001, v 14, n 1, p 48–56.
- E. Akcalı, R. Hamlin, T. McCullough, M. Davis, T. Teyner, and R. Uzsoy. A decision sup- port system for spare parts management in a wafer fabrication facility, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 2001, v 14, n 1, p 76–78.
- K. Nemoto, E. Akcalı, and R. Uzsoy. Quantifying the benefits of cycle time reduction in semiconductor wafer fabrication, IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging Manufacturing, 2000, v 23, n 1, p 39–47.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- E. Akcali, S.G. Belay, E. Colón, and J. Williams. Poetry writing to enhance conceptual understanding of mathematical models and approaches for inventory management, Proceedings of the 2023 American Society of Engineering Education Conference, 2023.
- E. Akcalı, M. Buraglia, A. Essenfeld, and J. Williams.Poetry writing in engineering education: Preliminary results and insights from an exploratory study, Proceedings of the 2021 American Society of Engineering Education Virtual Conference, 2021
- E. Akcalı, W. Giang, and M. Landrum. Incorporating divergent thinking skills into a project-based course in industrial and systems engineering, Proceedings of the 2020 American Society of Engineering Education Virtual Conference, 2020 (2020 Industrial Engineering Division, Best Paper Runner Up)
- E. Akcalı. T. Kassabova, T. Hart, and L. Corman. Creative choreography and storytelling lab for senior design, Proceedings of the 2015 American Society of Engineering Education Southeast Section Conference, 2015.
- A. Soylu and E. Akcalı. Optimizing capacity ramp-up decisions in the semiconductor industry, Proceedings of the IIE Research Conference, 2006.
- I. Karakayalı and E. Akcalı. Decentralized collection and recovery operations for durable end-of-life products with multiple remanufacturable parts, Proceedings of the IIE Research Conference, 2006.
- E. Akcalı and M.A. Morse. Seeding strategies in remanufacturing, Proceedings of the IIE Research Conference, 2004.
- E. Akcalı and A. Ungor. Approximation algorithms for degree-constrained bipartite network flow, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Computer and Information Sciences – ISCIS 2003, A. Yazıcı and C. S ̧ener (Eds.), 2003, v 2869, p 162–169. (Received ISCIS 2003 Best Paper Award.)
- E. Akcalı, R. Uzsoy, D. Hiscock, A. Moser, and T. Teyner. Alternative loading and dispatching policies for furnace operations in semiconductor manufacturing: A comparison by simulation, Proceedings of the 2000 Winter Simulation Conference, 2000, p 1428–1435.
Non-refereed Conference Proceedings
- E. Akcalı and R. Uzsoy. A sequential solution methodology for capacity allocation and lot scheduling problems for photolithography, Proceedings of the IEEE/CPMT International Electronics Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Symposium 2000, p 374–381.
- E. Akcalı, R. Hamlin, T. Teyner, R. Uzsoy, and G. Venkatachalam. Spare parts inventory management for semiconductor wafer fabrication facilities, IEEE International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference, Proceedings 1997, p A17–A20.
- K. Nemoto, E. Akcalı, and R. Uzsoy. Quantifying the benefits of cycle time reduction in semiconductor wafer fabrication, Proceedings of the IEEE/CPMT International Electronic Manufacturing Technology (IEMT) Symposium 1996, p 130–136.
Technical Reports
- E. Akcalı, E. Eskigun, D.M. Kulkarni, and J.D. Tew. Issues in remanufacturing and implications for the automotive industry, Technical Report MSR-096, General Motors R&D, Warren, Michigan, 2003.
- E. Akcalı, S. Yoruk, E. Foster, D.M. Kulkarni, J.D. Tew, M.W. Carman, J. Gugel, M. Harper, and C.J. Thomas. Use of the integrated core charge and inventory management (ICCIM) model for decision support at GMSPO: An application to GEN III engines, Technical Report CL-2004- 24-/MSR, General Motors R&D, Warren, Michigan, 2004.
- E. Akcalı, S. Yoruk, E. Foster, D.M. Kulkarni, J.D. Tew, M.W. Carman, J. Gugel, M. Harper, and C.J. Thomas. User manual for the integrated core charge and inventory management (ICCIM) model, Technical Report CL-2004-25-/MSR, General Motors R&D, Warren, Michigan, 2004.
- E. Akcalı, S. Yoruk, E. Eskigun, E. Foster, D.M. Kulkarni, J.D. Tew, M.W. Carman, J. Gugel, M. Harper, and C.J. Thomas. Integrated core charge and inventory management (ICCIM) problem for remanufacturable automotive parts, Technical Report CL-2004-26-/MSR, General Motors R&D, Warren, Michigan, 2004.
- E. Akcalı, E. Foster, D.M. Kulkarni, and J.D. Tew. A review of the issues in the design of end- of-life vehicle collection and processing networks and a mathematical programming approach, Technical Report CL-2005-05-/MSR, General Motors R&D, Warren, Michigan, 2005.