Professional Activities
Professional societies
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- Quality, Statistics, and Reliability (QSR): 2020 QSR Industrial Relation Committee, 2021 QSR Session Scheduling Subcommittee, 2022&2023 QSR Fundraising Subcommittee.
- Data Mining.
- Women in OR/MS (WORMS).
- Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Editorial SERVICES
- Associate editor, SN Operations Research Forum, 2019-present.
- Associate Editor, IEEE CASE Conference Proceedings, 2022-present
- Technometrics
- IISE Transaction
- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
- Journal of Quality Technology
- Naval Research Logistics
- IEEE Transactions on Internet of Things
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
- Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
- Journal of Manufacturing Processes
- Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
- ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data
- Energy Systems
- IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering