Laboratory Goals
The Lab seeks to foster close collaboration with industry and government partners to promote fundamental research, develop innovative solutions for large-scale problems, and provide education in the areas of Supply Chain and Logistics Management and through:
- Industry and government sponsored projects involving development of new systems and technologies to support industry and government needs;
- Conferences and Workshops, both on campus and at industry locations;
- Evaluation and dissemination of new models for Supply Chain and Logistics Management and Engineering
Laboratory Mission
We will provide state-of-the-art research and education programs with a focus on developing innovative modeling and solution methods for real world supply chain and logistics coordination and control problems. We will work with industry and government agency partners to provide value through focused research and development projects in supply chain management and engineering. Our goals are to provide:
- Basic and applied research in supply chain management and logistics management and engineering
- Conferences, workshops, and seminars, on campus or at industry locations, for educating participants and for communicating research results
- New education programs for improving engineering curricula at both undergraduate and graduate levels
- Publication of Lab technical reports and newsletters to provide affiliates and others with research and program information