Tap Into Student & Faculty Talent

UF ISE Students and Faculty can provide invaluable expertise for your organization. Undergraduate Students can solve problems posed by sponsors, while Graduate Students and Faculty are ready to tackle mission critical complex problems.


Tap into Undergraduate Talent for Results

    1. 1. Hire summer interns, co-op and full-time students

The best way to introduce students to your company is by hiring them during a semester and summer. Good experiences travel far via word of mouth and lead to full-time hires.

    1. 2. Sponsor a Senior Design Project

Students must graduate with a capstone senior design experience. Students work in teams over the course of a semester to solve a problem posed by an industrial, non-profit or government sponsor. All sponsors donate $5,000-$8,000 per project per semester to support the travel needs of the students and the overall program.

    1. 3. Sponsor an IPPD Project

HWCOE houses the Integrated Product and Process Design (IPPE) program in which multidisciplinary teams from different engineering disciplines develop a process or a product to solve an industrial problem over the course of two semesters under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Sponsors pay $15,000 in support of a project and retain all intellectual property.


Tap into Graduate Talent and Faculty Expertise for Results

    1. 1. Hire graduate students as interns

The best way to introduce graduate students to your company’s company mission critical complex problems is by hiring them during a semester and/or summer. During the internship, the graduate student and their advisor develop a deep understanding of the problem, which can then be a part of the M.S. or Ph.D. research of the student.

    1. 2. Provide Visiting Scientist Positions for faculty members

The best way to introduce faculty to your company’s mission critical, complex problems is by exposing them to the problem setting of interest by bringing the faculty member on site for an extended period of time (recommended time would be a minimum of four weeks). During this period, the faculty member can develop a deep understanding of the problem setting and can develop a solution or develop a research agenda to address the problem depending on its scope.

    1. 3. Sponsor a graduate student research project

Graduate students and faculty can be engaged to solve complex problems that arise in industrial environments on a contractual basis. A contract or a research grant can be developed to support a particular project with sufficient technical depth over the course of a longer time period (minimum nine months). All contracts/grants are tailored to the needs of the project. For example, a 12-month project involving a graduate student and a faculty member would cost somewhere from $75,000-$90,000 depending on graduate student and faculty effort allocated to the project, although many variations exist.