- IBM Support Program Award (1988 – 1989): “Parallel branch and bound algorithms”.
- Cray Research and Development Grant for the project “Parallel search algorithms in combinatorial optimization” (1989 – 1990 -1991-1992).
- Cornell National Supercomputer Facility Award (1991-1992).
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Title: Resent Advances in Global Optimization, 1 year (1991), Grant: AFOSR-91-0116.
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Title: Complexity Issues for Numerical Optimization, 1 year (1991), Grant: AFOSR -91-0102.
- NSF and U.S. Army Research Office support for the conference on “Large scale optimization” (with W. Hager and D. Hearn, Univ. of FL, Febr. 1993), Grants: NSF – DMS-9217405 and ARO – DAAH04-93G-0031.
- DIMACS (NSF and NJ Commission on Science and Technology) support (May-June 1993).
- DIMACS (NSF and NJ Commission on Science and Technology) support (April-May 1994).
- “SCOOP : Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel” (ref.: Proposal ERB4050PL941153 / Contract ERBCHRXCT940640) Award from the European Com. Program “Human capital and mobility” (1995-1998).
- DIMACS (NSF and NJ Commission on Science and Technology) support (March 1995).
- DIMACS (NSF and NJ Commission on Science and Technology) support (March 1996).
- DIMACS (NSF and NJ Commission on Science and Technology) support (April 1997).
- DIMACS (NSF and NJ Commission on Science and Technology) support (Fall 1997).
- DIMACS (NSF and NJ Commission on Science and Technology) support for the Workshop on Mobile Networks and Computing ($14,000 – Spring 1999).
- DIMACS (NSF and NJ Commission on Science and Technology) support for the Workshop on Discrete Algorithmic Problems in Medical Applications ($14,000 – Fall 1999).
- “Global Minimization of Nonconvex Energy Functions: molecular Conformation and Protein Folding”. Grant: NSF – BIR-9505919 (April 1, 1996 — March 31, 1998), $61,707.
- “Engineering Research Equipment: Equipment for Research in Applied and Computational Optimization” (with D. Hearn), Grant: NSF – DMI-9622200 (April 1, 1996 — March 31, 1997), $21,630 – excluding matching funds from the University of Florida.
- NSF support for the conference on “Network Optimization” (with W. Hager and D. Hearn), Grant: NSF – DMS-9522573 (January 1, 1996 — Dec. 31, 1996) $15,000.
- “Multitarget MultiSensor Fusion For a Near-Real-Time Air-to-Surface Weapon Tracking Filter”, US Dept. of Air Force, Grant: F08635-92-C-0032, TA. P00028 ( May 5, 1997 — Dec. 31, 1997) (with K. Dominiak), $59,661.
- NSF EIA 98-72509: “Integrating Randomization Techniques in the Undergraduate and Graduate Curricula,” Co-PIs: Randy Chow, Linda Crocker, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Raphael Haftka, Raj Rajagopalan, Sanjay Ranka, Gerhard Ritter, Sartaj Sahni, Stanley Su, Baba Vemuri. National Science Foundation, $372,312 – excluding matching funds from the University of Florida – (August 1998 to July 2001).
- NSF DMS 9817945: Support for the “Conference on Approximation and Complexity in Numerical Optimization: Continuous and Discrete Problems,” $5,000 (April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2000).
- NSF DMI-0082231: Support for the “Conference on Stochastic Optimization: Algorithms and Applications,” $5,000 (May 1, 2000 – March 31, 2001).
- NATO (Scientific and Environmental Affairs Division), SST.CLG 975032: “Calculating Robust Bayesian Estimates Using Optimization Approaches,” 815,000 Belgian Francs (1999-2000).
- NSF DBI 9808210: “Global Optimization Approaches for Molecular and Protein Conformation Problems” $109,266.00 (Oct. 1999- Sept. 2001).
- United States Civilian Research and Development Foundation CRDF Award UW0-1010 (Proposal Number UW-032): “Recent Advances in Non-Differentiable Optimization” $13,400 (2000).
- US Dept. of Air Force grant (F-08630-00-1-0001), “Optimal Risk Path and Target Coverage Algorithms”, $230,000 (2000-2001) (with S. Uryasev).
- US Dept. of Air Force grant (F-49620-01-1-0338), “Robust Decision Making: Addressing Uncertainties in Distributions” (2001-2003), $200,000 (with S. Uryasev)
- “International Conference on Biocomputing” (February 25-27, 2001), $21,000 from UF ($10,000 BME Program, $5,000 Brain Institute, and $6,000 College of Engineering and UF Research and Graduate Programs).
- $15,000 form the BME Program for Visitors (joint with the Medical School).
- UF Research Opportunity Fund 2001: “Preital Detection and Therapeutic Intervention in a Transgenic Epileptic Rodent” (with P. Carney and C. Sackellares), $50,000.
- NIH Grant Number: 1 R01 NS39687-01A1 (07/19/2001 – 04/30/2006): “Bioengineering Research Partnership in Brain Dynamics” (with J.C. Sackellares et al) (FY2001: $847,398, FY2002: $819,681, FY2003: $900,803, FY2004: $904,026, FY2005: $929,365).
- NATO PST.GLG.978668, “Robust Statistical Estimates and Applications in Nuclear Safety,” EUR 10,000 (2002-2003).
- Support for the “Quantitative Neurosciences” conference [McKnight Brain Institute $6,000 | School of Engineering $3,000 | Biomedical Engineering Department $3,000 | UF Research Foundation $3,000 | School of Medicine $6,000 | Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc $5,000]
- AFOSR, Equipment for defense Related Projects Conducted by the Risk Management & Financial Engineering Lab (with S. Uryasev and E. Romejin) $182,228 (2003-2004).
- CRDF, Clique-Detection Algorithms with Applications in Biomedical Engineering, (with Ivan Sergienko, Institute of Cybernetics, UAS (Kiev)) $60,000 (2003-2004).
- “A quantitative EEG method for real-time detection of neonatal seizures in the neonatal intensive care unit” (08/1/03 – 07/31/05), Partnership for Pediatric Epilepsy Research, Epilepsy Foundation of America; Total amount $75,000 (with P. Carney, C. Sackellares, and D. Shiau).
- NSF, “ITR: Information Extraction from Massive Data Sets” (with Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Thomas Cormen, and Sartaj Sahni) $3,350,534.00 (2003-2008).
- Evelyn F. & William L. McKnight Brain Institute of the University of Florida Award (with P. Carney), “Data mining and optimization techniques in EEG data analysis and epileptic brain modeling,” $20,000 (2003-2004).
- OTL, University of Florida (With P. Carney, J. Principe, C. Sackellares, and D. Shiau), “On Line Real Time Seizure Prediction in Adult Patients with Epilepsy”, $28,340 (2004).
- NSF, “Design and Analysis of Algorithms for Multicast Networks”, $246,820 (2004-2007).
- NSF, “Design and Analysis of Algorithms for Multicast Networks” (Supplement Award), $44,038.00 (2005-2006).
- AFOSR, Eavesdropping (or Jamming) of Communication Networks (with S. Uryasev), $240,000 (2005-2007).
- AFOSR, (DURIP-05) Equipment for defense-related projects of the center for applied optimization (with S. Uryasev), $148,953.42 (2006-2007).
- DIMACS (NSF) support for the Conference on Data Mining, Systems Analysis and Optimization in Neuroscience ($10,000 – Spring 2007).
- DIMACS (NSF) support for the Workshop on Clustering Problems in Biological Networks ($14,000 – Spring 2007).
- NSF “Human Supervision of Time Critical Control Systems” $415,391 (2006-2009).
- CMS thru DOT “Multi-Modal Solutions for Large Scale Evacuation” $71,481 (2008-2009).
- AFOSR “Detecting and Jamming Dynamic Communication Networks in Anti-Access Environments” $443,264 (2008-2010).
- Penn State “Modeling & Optimization of Network Response to WMD Attacks Under Uncertainty ” $160,139 (2008-2009).
- DIMACS (NSF and NJ Commission on Science and Technology) “Support for the DIMACS/DyDAn Workshop on Approximation Algorithms in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks” $14,000 (Spring 2009).
- UF Research Opportunity Fund 2009 “A portable, wearable, fast, magnetic resonance imager (MRI)” (with M. Davidson, Y. Chen, F. Skidmore, B. Whiting, and P. Holloway), $90,298.
- Center for Multimodal Solutions for Congestion Mitigation, US Dept. of Transportation/Fed Highway Admin. “Multimodal solutions for large scale evacuation” $71,481 (2008 – 2009)
- Center for Multimodal Solutions for Congestion Mitigation, US Dept. of Transportation/Fed Highway Admin. “Development of a Multimodal Transportation Educational Virtual Appliance” (with P. Sheng and R. Figueiredo) $110,000 (2009 – 2010)
- U.S. Department of Defense/DTRA “Modeling and Optimization of Network Response to WMD Attacks Under Uncertainty” (with V. Boginski (co-PI), and S. Uryasev (co-PI)) $219,016 (2009-2010)
- Florida Institute for Information Systems Dynamics “Biological Models for Information Systems Dynamics” $10,000 (Fall 2009)
- Veterans Health Administration Improvement Capability Grant “Applying Systems Engineering Concepts to Improve Efficiency, Patient Satisfaction, and Quality of Care in a Veterans Health Administration Medical Center”, $1.5 M, 3 years (2009-2011). Team involves VAMC, Tampa, FL and Center for Applied Optimization, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- DTRA “Mathematical Approaches to WMD Defense and Vulnerability Assessments on Dynamic Networks” (co-PI with C. Smith and M. Thai), $632,407