Project Title |
Mentor |
Advancement of The Rapid Rotor Rewind |
Geunes |
An Analysis of How One Company’s Payload Processing Program Might Better Use Performance Measurement to Motivate Individual Behavior |
Schaub |
Analysis of Circuit Card Design to Manufacturing Process |
Geunes |
Analysis of the Uncertainty in the Measured Power Output and Efficiency of an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Power Plant |
Romeijn |
Applying EVMS Principles to Small Contracts (less than $20 million) |
Schaub |
Assessing the Value of RL10 Rocket Engine Leak Checks During Launch Site Processing |
Akcali |
Autoexec Consulting Services: A Material Handling and Supply Chain Consulting Firm That Employs Software Optimization, Forecast Modeling, and Process Simulation in Order to Enhance Their System And Software Design Services |
Geunes |
Balanced Scorecard Applied to Performance Management Planning |
Schaub |
Data Architecture Vision for the Constellation Program |
Sawyer |
Delivering Equivalent Units vs. Delivering Products: The dilemma between satisfying the Business Operations Organization AND the Production Organization |
Geunes |
Design, Engineering, & Production Management of Residential Real Estate Developments |
Sapra |
Determining the Thresholds for Inter-Campus Mass Transportation for Community Colleges |
Smith |
Forecasting Asset Utilization and Inventory Optimization in the Harris Test Equipment Center |
Geunes |
Improved Process for Engineering Labor Estimation of Integrated Circuit Design Projects |
Romeijn |
Improving Manufacturing Productivity with “Ready to Work” Packages |
Akcali |
Metrics in Software: How Metrics Impact the Software Development Lifecycle |
Schaub |
MLI Production Process Improvements at Harris Corporation |
Geunes |
Process Improvement at the NASA Shuttle Logistics Depot |
Geunes |
Process Improvement: Physical Configuration Audit for Department of Defense Acquisition, Technology and Logistics |
Akcali |
Proof of Certification |
Schaub |
Redesign of LSDE New Hire Orientation and Evaluation Process |
Schaub |
Selective Soldering Equipment: Evaluation, Process Characterization, & Product Qualification |
Akcali |
Small Firm, Growing Pains: Engineering & Water Resources, Inc. Development of a Quality Management Program |
Geunes |
SMT Automated Processes: Line Balance, Optimization, and Manpower Analysis |
Romeijn |
SRB Hardware Discrepancy Resolution and Certification Process Analysis |
Schaub |
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System: Rollout of a New Cellular Technology |
AitSahlia |