Welcome to the INFORMS Student Chapter at the University of Florida
For our current calendar, please see the Events page.
We look forward to seeing you at our next event!
To receive information about our events, please subscribe to our mailing list (you need to be connected on campus or via VPN):
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) is an international society for academics and practitioners in the fields of operations research (OR), management science (MS), and analytics. INFORMS serves the scientific and professional needs of OR/MS/analytics educators, scientists, students, managers, consultants, and other practitioners.
To join the INFORMS Student Chapter at UF, please subscribe to the mailing list at https://go.ufl.edu/informs-subscribe (need to be connected on campus or via VPN) and come to our events that include small-group conversations with visiting and local academics, peer mentoring for research in OR/MS/analytics, research presentations by students and faculty, professional development, tailored trainings, and social gatherings.
INFORMS Student Chapter Mission
- Encourage, facilitate, and reward interest and excellence in operations research (OR), management sciences (MS), and analytics
- Provide a means of communication among people having interest in OR/MS
- Provide an informal means of exchange about OR/MS educational programs and professional opportunities
- Provide an informal means of sharing information about the methods and techniques of OR/MS
- Present a forum of speakers who address OR/MS topics
- Connect students in OR/MS with industry and academia
- Foster a sense of community among students in OR/MS
- Provide mentoring for students with interests in OR/MS
INFORMS Services
- Publishing scholarly journals that describe the latest OR/MS/analytics methods and applications and an industry and membership magazine with news from across the profession.
- Organizing national and international conferences for academics and professionals, as well as for members of the society’s special interest groups.
- Providing analytics certification and continuing education to assist members and others in furthering their career
- Click here for more information about the benefits of an INFORMS membership.