Journal Articles

Journal Articles

J.D. Hamilton, S. Sorondo, B. Li, H. Qin, I.V. Rivero (2023). Mechanical behavior of bimetallic stainless steel and gray cast iron repairs via directed energy deposition additive manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Processes85, 1197-1207.

Ramesh, S., Mahajan, C., Gerdes, S., Gaikwad, A., Rao, P., Cormier, D. R., & Rivero, I. V. (2022). Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Aerosol Jet Printing. Additive Manufacturing, 103090.

Hamilton, J. D., Sorondo, S., Greeley, A., Zhang, X., Cormier, D., Li, B., … & Rivero, I. V. (2022). Property-structure-process relationships in dissimilar material repair with directed energy deposition: Repairing gray cast iron using stainless steel 316L. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 81, 27-34.

Weflen, E., Hamilton, J. D., Sorondo, S., Harrysson, O. L., Frank, M. C., & Rivero, I. V. (2022). Evaluating interlayer gaps in friction stir spot welds for rapid tooling applications. IISE Transactions, 1-12.

Lazarus, E., Bermudez-Lekerika, P., Farchione, D., Schofield, T., Howard, S., Mambetkadyrov, I., Lamoca, M., Rivero, I. v., Gantenbein, B., Lewis, C. L., & Wuertz-Kozak, K. (2021). Sulfated Hydrogels in Intervertebral Disc and Cartilage Research. Cells 2021, Vol. 10, Page 3568, 10(12), 3568.

Gerdes, S., Ramesh, S., Mostafavi, A., Tamayol, A., Rivero, I. V., & Rao, P. (2021). Extrusion-based 3D (bio) printed tissue engineering scaffolds: process–structure–quality relationships. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering7(10), 4694-4717.

Zhang, X., Shen, W., Suresh, V., Hamilton, J., Yeh, L. H., Jiang, X., … & Qin, H. (2021). In situ monitoring of direct energy deposition via structured light system and its application in remanufacturing industry. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology116(3), 959-974.

Ramesh, S., Zhang, Y., Cormier, D. R., Rivero, I. V., Harrysson, O. L., Rao, P. K., & Tamayol, A. (2020). Extrusion bioprinting: Recent progress, challenges, and future opportunities. Bioprinting, e00116.

Hamilton, J. D., Ramesh, S., Harrysson, O. L., Rock, C. D., & Rivero, I. V. (2020). Cryogenic mechanical alloying of aluminum matrix composites for powder bed fusion additive manufacturing. Journal of Composite Materials, 0021998320957698.

Ramesh, S., Kovelakuntla, V., Meyer, A. S., & Rivero, I. V. (2020). Three-dimensional printing of stimuli-responsive hydrogel with antibacterial activity. Bioprinting, e00106.

Liu, H.; Kollosche, M.; Yan, J.; Zellner, E.M.; Bentil, S.A.; Rivero, I.V.; Wiersema, C.; Laflamme, S. Numerical Investigation of Auxetic Textured Soft Strain Gauge for Monitoring Animal Skin. Sensors 2020, 20, 4185.

Gerdes, S., Mostafavi, A., Ramesh, S., Memic, A., Rivero, I., Rao, P., & Tamayol, A. (2020). Process-Structure-Quality Relationships of 3D Printed PCL-Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds. Tissue Engineering, (ja).

Al-Dwairi, A. F., Abdelall, E., & Rivero, I. V. (2020). Effect of Pre-welding Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Al–4 wt.% Cu Alloys. Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis, 1-11.

Downey, A. R., Yan, J., Zellner, E. M., Kraus, K. H., Rivero, I. V., & Laflamme, S. (2019). “Use of flexible sensor to characterize biomechanics of canine skin,” BMC veterinary research, 15(1), 40.

Stromberg, L. R., Hondred, J. A., Sanborn, D., Mendivelso-Perez, D., Ramesh, S., Rivero, I. V., … & Claussen, J. C. (2019). Stamped multilayer graphene laminates for disposable in-field electrodes: application to electrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide and glucose. Microchimica Acta186(8), 533.

Tran, P. L., Li, J., Lungaro, L., Ramesh, S., Ivanov, I. N., Moon, J. W., … & Rivero, I. V. (2018). Cryomilled zinc sulfide: A prophylactic for Staphylococcus aureus-infected wounds. Journal of biomaterials applications, 33(1), 82-93.

Ramesh, S., Lungaro, L., Tsikritsis, D., Weflen, E., Rivero, Iris V., Elfick, A., (2018) “Fabrication and Evaluation of Poly (lactic acid)/Chitosan/Tricalcium Phosphate Biocomposites for Guided Bone Regeneration,” Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135(39), 46692.

Spearman, S. S., Irin, F., Ramesh, S., Rivero, I. V., Green, M. J., & Harrysson, O. L. (2018). “Effect of pseudomonas lipase enzyme on the degradation of  polycaprolactone/polycaprolactone-polyglycolide fiber blended nanocomposites,” International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 1-8.

Abdel-All, E.S., Frank, M.C., Rivero, Iris V. (2017), “Rapid Tooling Using Friction Stir Welding and Machining,” Rapid Prototyping Journal, 23(1): 81-95.

Yu, Y., Moncal, K.K., Akkouch, A., Li, J. Rivero, Iris V., Martin, J.A., Ozbolat, I.T. (2016), “Three-Dimensional Bioprinting Using Self-Assembling Scalable Scaffold-Free ‘Tissue Strands’ as a New Bioink,” Scientific Reports, 6(1): 28714.

Allaf, R.M., Rivero, Iris V., Ivanov, I.N. (2016), “Fabrication and Characterization of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Loaded Interconnected Porous Nanocomposite Scaffolds,” Intl. J. of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, doi: 10.1080/00914037.2016.1201761.

Jonnalagadda, J.B., Rivero, Iris V., Warzywoda, J. (2015), “In Vitro Degradation Characteristics of Poly(e-caprolactone)/Poly(glycolic acid) Scaffolds Fabricated Via Solid-State Cryomillling for Articular Cartilage Tissue Engineering,” J. of Biomaterials Applications, 26(7); 401-419.

Jonnalagadda, John B., Iris V. Rivero, and Janet S. Dertien. “In vitro chondrocyte behavior on porous biodegradable poly (e-caprolactone)/polyglycolic acid scaffolds for articular chondrocyte adhesion and proliferation.” Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 26.7 (2015): 401-419.

Allaf, Rula M., Iris V. Rivero, and Ilia N. Ivanov. “Fabrication of co‐continuous poly (ε‐caprolactone)/polyglycolide blend scaffolds for tissue engineering.”Journal of Applied Polymer Science (2015).

Shayla S. Spearman, Fahmida Irin, Iris V. Rivero, Micah J. Green, Noureddine Abidi, Effect of dsDNA wrapped single-walled carbon nanotubes on the thermal and mechanical properties of polycaprolactone and polyglycolide fiber blend composites, Polymer, Available online 15 November 2014, ISSN 0032-3861,

Jonnalagadda-Thimothy, J., and Rivero, Iris V. (2014), “Effect of Cryomilling Times on the Resultant Properties of Porous Biodegradable Poly(e-caprolactone)/Poly(glycolic acid) Scaffolds for Articular Cartilage Tissue Engineering,” J. Mech. Behavior of Biomedical Mtls., 40: 33-41.

Spearman, S., Rivero Iris V., and Abidi, N. (2014), “Influence of Polycaprolactone/Polyglycolide Blended Electrospun Fibers on the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Polycaprolactone.” J. of Applied Polymer Science, 131(9), 40224, doi: 10.1001/app.40224.

Allaf, R.M., Rivero, Iris V., Abidi, N. and Ivanov, I.N. (2013), “Porous Poly(ε-caprolactone) Scaffolds for Load-Bearing Tissue Regeneration: Solventless Fabrication and Characterization.” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research B, 101B(6): 1050-1060.

Das, S., Wajid, A.S., Wilting, M.D., Rivero, Iris V., Green, M.J., (2013) “Electrospinning of Polymer Nanofibers Loaded with Noncovalently Functionalized Graphene,” J. of Applied Polymer Science, 128(6): 4040-4046.

Allaf, Rula M. and Rivero, Iris V., 2011, “Fabrication and Characterization of Interconnected Porous Biodegradable Poly(ε-caprolactone) Load Bearing Scaffolds,” Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 22(8), 1843-1853.

Allaf, R.M., Rivero, Iris V., Spearman, S.S., and Hope-Weeks, L.J., 2011, “On the Preparation of As-Produced and Purified Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Samples for Standardized X-ray Diffraction Characterization.” Materials Characterization. 62(9): 857-864.

Levitas, Valery, Pantoya, Michelle, Chauhan, Garima, and Rivero, Iris V., 2009, Effect of the Alumina Shell on the Melting Temperature Depression for Aluminum Nanoparticles, Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113 (32): 14088-14096.

Hatamleh, Omar, Rivero, Iris V., and Swain, Shayla E., 2009, An Investigation Residual Stress Characterization and Relaxation in Peened Friction Stir Welded Aluminum-Lithium Alloy Joints, Materials & Design. 30 (9): 3367-3373.

Rivero, Iris V., Pantoya, Michelle, Rajamani, Karthik, and Hsiang, Simon M., 2009, Correlation of Reactant Particle Size on Residual Stresses of Nanostructured NiAl generated by Self Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis, Journal of Materials Research. 24 (6): 2079-2088.

Hatamleh, Omar, Rivero, Iris V., and Maredia, Arif, 2008, Residual Stresses in Friction Stir Welded 2195 and 7075 Aluminum Alloys, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 39 (12): 2867-2874.

Rivero, Iris V., and Ruud Clayton O., 2008, Determination of the Accuracy of Phase Analysis Measurements on Spherical Surfaces through X-Ray Diffraction, NDT & E International. 41 (6): 434-440.

Karabelchtchikova, O., Rivero, Iris V., and Hsiang, S., 2007, Modeling of ResidualStress Distribution in D2 Steel via Grinding Dynamics Using a Second-Order Damping System, Journal of Materials Processing Technology.

Hatamleh, O., Rivero, Iris V., and Lyons, J., 2007, Evaluation of Surface Residual Stresses in Friction Stir Welds Due to Laser and Shot Peening,” Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance , September.

Rivero, Iris V., 2006, Fundamentals of Nondestructive Testing at Texas Tech University, Materials Evaluation. 64 (8): 765-768.

Karabelchtchikova, O., and Rivero, Iris V., 2005 Variability of Residual Stresses and Superposition Effect in Multipass Grinding of High-Carbon High-Chromium Steel, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance . 14 (1): 50-60.

Rivero, Iris V., and Ruud, Clayton O., 2004, Deviation of Residual Stress Patterns in 52100 Bearing Steel Due to Inherent Microstructural Transformations After Rolling Contact, Materials Characterization. 53: 381-393.

Rivero, Iris V., and Ruud, C. O., 2002, Residual Stresses and Patterns in 52100 Bearing Steel: Preliminary Analysis of Strain Hardening vs. Microstructural Transformation by XRD Analysis, Lubrication Engineering. 58 (10): 30-40