The Human-Systems Engineering Laboratory (HSEL) is located in the Reed Labs engineering building on the University of Florida (UF) main campus and is part of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE). The Laboratory is approximately 2400 sq. ft. houses the following major capabilities and facilities:
University of Florida Advanced Driving Simulator Facility (UFADS)
The UFADS accounts for approximately 750 sq. ft. of the HSEL and is equipped with the following major research instrumentation:
- A Full-Motion (large-scale) Driving Simulator
Motion Analysis and Activity Recognition Facility (MAARF)
The MAARF accounts for approximately 1150 sq. ft. of the HSEL and is equipped with a broad range of human performance research instrumentation, including:
- IMU-based Motion Capture Systems
- A Camera-based Motion Capture System
- Electromyography (EMG) Systems
- Smart Wearable Shirts
Safety-Critical System User Experience Facility (SCSUE)
The SCSUE accounts for approximately 500 sq. ft. of the HSEL and is equipped with the following major research instrumentation:
- High-performance Usability Analysis Stations
- Eye-tracking Systems
- Video and Audio Capture Equipment
Human Robot Interaction Facility (HRIF)
The HRIF is a new laboratory facility for the Department with approximately 700 sq. ft. of space. Half the space is a experiment test-cell for assessing human responses to work and interaction with various fixed-based manipulator systems and humanoid robots in various applications. The remaining space is used for prototype development by UF ISE graduate students. The lab is equipped with the following major research instrumentation:
- Two Rethink Sawyer collaborative robots
- An 80/20 automated assembly line mock-up
- 80/20 mock assembly equipment/materials
Field Observation & Measurement Equipment Repository (FOMER)
The FOMER is a cache of contemporary, high value research instrumentation for human-systems design studies. The equipment can be used in all of the above laboratory spaces or checked-out by students for use at remote study sites. The current set of instrumentation includes the following:
- g-Tec electro-encephalogram system
- Polar cardiac monitoring systems
- iWorx electrodermal monitoring system
- GoPro video camera monitoring systems