Staff Meetings:
Administrative Support Meeting:
Occurrence: Weekly on Wednesday
Time: 2:00pm-2:45pm
Participants: Martin, Calderon
Location: Weil 302A/Zoom
Development Meeting:
Occurrence: 2nd Tuesday Monthly
Time: 10:00am-11:00am
Participants: Ledkins
Location: Weil 302A/Zoom
Finance Meeting:
Occurrence: 2nd & 4th Wednesday Monthly
Participants: Gibson
Location: Weil 302A/Zoom
Graduate Advising Team Meeting:
Occurrence: 1st Monday Monthly
Time: 1:30pm-2:30pm
Participants: Lopez-Rego, Caballero, Zhong, Guan
Location: Zoom
ISE Staff Meeting:
Occurrence: Bi-Weekly on Monday
Time: 11:00am-12:00pm
- Administrative Operations (Martin, Calderon)
- Undergraduate Advising (Booker)
- Graduate Advising (Lopez-Rego, Caballero)
- OEM (Lopez-Rego, Messinger)
- Fiscal Operations (Gibson, Pons)
- HR (Krueger, Ray, Taylor)
- Marketing (TBD)
- Development (Ledkins)
- Research (Gibson, Tillery, Pinto)
Location: Weil 301/Zoom
Marketing Meeting:
Occurrence: 2nd Tuesday Monthly
Time: 1:00pm-1:30pm
Participants: Logan
Location: Weil 302A/Zoom
Undergraduate Advising Team Meeting:
Occurrence: Weekly on Wednesday
Time: 1:30pm-2:30pm
Participants: Akcali, Basinger-Ellis, Kirli, Liu
Location: Zoom
Faculty Meetings:
ISE Executive Committee Meeting:
Occurrence: Bi-Weekly on Friday (Fall & Spring Semesters)
Time: 1:009m-2:00pm
Participants: Basinger-Ellis, Gibson, Guan, Kirli, Li, Zhong
Location: Weil 301/Zoom
ISE Faculty Meeting:
Occurrence: 2nd or 3rd Wednesday Monthly
Time: 10:40am-12:35pm
Participants: All permanent faculty
Location: Weil 406A/Zoom
Mentoring Meeting:
Occurrence: 1st Wednesday Monthly
Time: 9:00am-10:00am
Participants: Hicklin, Kazachkov, Kim
Location: Weil 302A or Weil 301
College Meetings:
Meeting with Dean:
Occurrence: 4th Thursday Monthly
Time: 9:00am-9:45am
Participants: Masters
Location: Weil 300
HWCOE Dept. Chairs’ Luncheon:
Occurrence: 3rd Thursday Monthly
Time: 12:00pm-2:00pm
Participants: Dean Masters, Department Chairs
Location: Weil 450
HWCOE Dept. Chairs’ Meeting:
Occurrence: 1st Thursday Monthly
Time: 9:00am-11:00am
Participants: Dean Masters, Department Chairs
Location: Weil 307
HWCOE Informal Chairs’ Meeting:
Occurrence: 1st Thursday Monthly
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Participants: Department Chairs
Location: Zoom
oTHER Meetings:
ENKIx Meeting:
Occurrence: 2nd Wednesday Monthly
Time: 4:00pm-5:00pm
Participants: Team Members
Location: Zoom
PSLL Meeting:
Occurrence: As Needed
Time: Varies
Participants: Team Members
Location: UF Health North Tower, College of Nursing, Conference Room 4233/Zoom
UF/NCG Meeting:
Occurrence: 3rd Wednesday Monthly
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Participants: Team Members
Location: Zoom