Marketing & Communications

The marketing team at the UF Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering seeks to maintain a consistent brand throughout all of our materials. Please consult the following information for details on templates and project requests.

For questions of comments, please send us an email.

Requesting a Project

The ISE marketing team welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with you. This may mean working closely together on a project, or providing you with the resources to work independently.

Our strategies for managing high-priority initiatives and campaigns are identified by the chair, senior leadership in ISE and the college. Your request for assistance with a project will be prioritized based on your timeline and availability. In order for us to best accommodate your needs, please send an email to our team one to two weeks in advance of your projects targeted deadline. The normal deadline for a project is one to two weeks.

Promotional materials and SWAG: If you need access to promotional materials that the department has already purchased, or flyers for an events, please let us know at least one week in advance.

If you need promotional materials ordered, please let us know at least six weeks before your deadline.


For student organization and committee-organized events, notifications will be sent out to students in a weekly newsletter email by the ISE Advising Team. No individual email blasts are necessary.

If you need images for marketing your event and/would like for the department to post about the event on our social media channels, please submit your request 5-7 days before the event occurs.


Click on the following links to download the templates.



If you do not have access to UF’s brand fonts Quadon and Gentona, please use the “Standard Fonts” files.

Powerpoint Slides

If you do not have access to UF’s brand fonts Quadon and Gentona, please use the “Standard Fonts” files.

Standard Definition (4:3)

High Definition (Widescreen 16:9)

Poster Templates




Design Elements

For an in-depth description on college/department branding, you can view the college’s branding guide.

Department Name

When representing or mentioning the department, please use Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering (ISE) with ISE used in subsequent references. The ampersand is an important aspect of the department’s style, and it complies with all departments within the college.

College Name

When referring to the college, the only appropriate wording is the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering. Subsequent reference may be the college.


  • College of Engineering
  • Wertheim College
  • Wertheim College of Engineering

ISE Logos

These logos are the official logos for the department. Any other representation is incorrect. This logo is to be used on all print materials (including signs, posters, flyers, postcards, etc.) representing the department.

Please refer to the University’s guidelines for secondary logo usage.

If you have any questions on proper logo usage, please contact us.

UF Logos

Usage guidelines and downloads for the University of Florida and monogram.

Color Standards

Unsure of which Orange and Blue colors to use for your project? Check out the College’s color guide.

Email Signatures

For directions on how to set up an official Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering email signature, click HERE.

Department Flyers