Curriculum Overview : 2023 & Later

Curriculum Overview : 2023 & Later

The discipline-specific courses offered by the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department fall into two distinct categories:

  1. ISE Core
  2. Restricted Electives

The courses in the ISE Core cover the fundamentals of Industrial and Systems Engineering and introduce students to different sub-disciplines within the profession. These courses provide the essential knowledge necessary for every graduating engineer in ISE and therefore are required for all students.

In addition, the ISE core lays the foundation for different focus areas within the field represented by restricted electives. These courses prepare students to make an informed decision when selecting a specific ISE area (within the restricted electives) in which they would like to focus.


In order to facilitate an in-depth study of specific areas within the ISE discipline, the department of Industrial and Systems Engineering offers restricted electives in:

  1. Operations Research and Data Analytics
  2. Human Systems Engineering
  3. Production and Logistics

Grouping of courses into these areas (sets of restricted electives) enable a layered approach, where a specific area is explored by several courses in a thorough and progressive fashion. This allows for not only exploration of topics at a deeper level but also employment of application-focused teaching techniques.

Students must select one of the restricted elective areas listed above. The deadline to make the selection is one week before the start of advance registration preceding the student’s final semester. Students are always encouraged to discuss their decisions with their advisors.

There are two graduation requirements associated with respect to restricted electives:

Depth Requirement

Students must take at least three (3) courses in their selected area. Since some of the courses may have pre-requisites from the same area, course planning must be done carefully to ensure timely graduation.

Breadth Requirement

Students must take at least one (1) course from each of the other two areas. Since most restricted elective courses are offered once a year, course planning must be done carefully to optimize scheduling.


Curriculum Overview