GAINESVILLE, FL: Industrial and Systems Engineering undergraduate student, Michelle Gauthreaux, was selected as the winner of the $5,000 scholarship awarded by The Florida Institute of Consulting Engineers/American Council of Engineering Companies of Florida (FICE/ACEC of Florida).
Since 2004, FICE/ACEC of Florida scholarships honor Florida college students expressing interest and commitment to the business and management of the engineering profession. To qualify, a student must be a U.S. citizen pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree in an Accreditation Board for an Engineering and Technology (ABET)-approved engineering program or in an accredited land-surveying program. Recipients of the awards are evaluated in work experience, extracurricular and community activity, references, grade point average, and a written essay.
After being selected for the FICE/ACEC of Florida scholarship, Gauthreaux’s scholarship application was forwarded to national ACEC for consideration.
“I am always inspired by the talent and determination displayed by so many young people studying engineering. Based on her academic accomplishments, community involvement, and engineering experience gained through internships, Michelle is a great choice as winner of the FICE/ACEC of Florida scholarship,” said Mark Mechling, PE, 2013 FICE President.