c NONSMOOTH OPTIMIZATION SUBGRADIENT METHOD WITH VARIABLE METRIC c AND STEPSIZE CONTROL USING SUBGRADIENTS FOR THE LINE SEARCH c IDENTIFICATION c Variable metric algorithm for nonsmooth optimization problems. c Fortran 77 subroutine was written by S. Uryasev at the International c Institute for Applied System Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg Austria. c Version of December 24 1989. c c c METHOD c Adaptive variable metric algorithm. The algorithm simultaneously runs two c subgradient methods: the first in the main space, and the second c with respect to the matrices that modify the space variables. c c REFERENCES c 1. Uryasev S.P. Adaptive Variable Metric Algorithms for Nonsmooth c Optimization Problems, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria, WP-88-60, 1988. c 2. Uryasev S.P. New Variable Metric Algorithms for Nondifferenti- c able Optimization Problems. Journal of Optimization Theory and c Applications Vol. 71, No. 2, 359-388, 1991. c c START MODULE (AN EXAMPLE) c DESCRIPTIONS implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer s,sfull,smax parameter (nd=2,nkd=2) dimension x(nd),xpr(nd),gr(nd),grpr(nd),grold(nd),b(nd,nkd), 1 grb(nkd),grbb(nd),vsold(nkd),vsnew(nkd) c METHOD PARAMETERS noprin=10 smax=100 n=nd nk=nkd bstep=0.65 ro=0.1 rodecr=0.7 roincr=1.25 grstop=1.d-10 dxstop=1.d-5 flevel= 0. ifpr=2 open(ifpr,file='varmetg.res') c INPUT X x(1)=10. x(2)=1. call varmetg(n,nk,x,xpr,gr,grpr,grold,b,grb,grbb,vsold,vsnew, 1 flevel,fn,ro,rodecr,roincr,bstep,ifpr,noprin,s, 2 sfull,smax,grstop,dxstop,lstop) close(ifpr) stop end c NONSMOOTH OPTIMIZATION SUBGRADIENT METHOD WITH VARIABLE METRIC c AND STEPSIZE CONTROL USING SUBGRADIENTS FOR THE LINE SEARCH c subroutine varmetg(n,nk,x,xpr,gr,grpr,grold,b,grb,grbb,vsold, 1 vsnew,flevel,fn,ro,rodecr,roincr,bstep,ifpr,noprin, 2 s,sfull,smax,grstop,dxstop,lstop) c c c PURPOSE c Varmetg finds an approximation of a minimum point of a function (possibly c nonsmooth) on Euclidear n-dimentional space. c c c REQUIRED SUBROUTINES c The user should write subroutines fun and grad c according to the following format: c c subroutine fun(x,n,fn) c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) c dimension x(n) c ... c fn = (the value of objective function f(x) at x) c return c end c c subroutine grad(x,gr,n) c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) c dimension x(n),gr(n) c ... c do 10 j=1,n c gr(j) = (the value of j-th component of the objective function c f(x) subgradient at the point x) c 10 continue c return c end c c where c (input) x is a double precision input array, argument of the c objective function f(x); c (input) n is an integer input variable, the number of variables c in the objective function f(x); c (output) fn is a double precision output variable, the value of c the objective function; c (output) gr is a double precision output array, the subgradient c of the objective function. c c The subroutine varmetg calls subroutines wrivar and regsb. c These subroutines are supplied together with varmetg. c c CONTROL c c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) c integer s,sfull,smax c dimension x(n),xpr(n),gr(n),grold(n),b(n,nk),grb(nk),grbb(n), c 1 vsold(nk),vsnew(nk) c ... c call varmetg(n,nk,x,xpr,gr,grpr,grold,b,grb,grbb,vsold,vsnew, c 1 flevel,fn,ro,rodecr,roincr,bstep,ifpr,noprin,s, c 2 sfull,smax,grstop,dxstop,lstop) c ... c c where c (input) n is an integer input variable, the number of variables c in the objective function f(x) (n is number of rows in c the matrix b); c (input) nk is an integer input variable, the number of columns in c the matrix b (if RAM is enough for n*n numbers than c nk=n, otherwise 1 < nk < n); c (input- c output) x is a double precision input array containing the c initial approximation of the solution vector; after c finishing the work this vector contains c the best appriximation of the solution vector; c (auxil) xpr is a double precision auxiliary array containing c the approximation of the solution vector at the c previous point; c (output) gr is a double precision output array, the subgradient c of the objective function; c (auxil) grold is a double precision auxiliary array containing c the subgradient of the objective function at the c previous point; c (auxil) b is a double precision auxiliary array for metric c change; c (auxil) grb is a double precision auxiliary array; c (auxil) grbb is a double precision auxiliary array; c (auxil) vsold is a double precision auxiliary array; c (auxil) vsnew is a double precision auxiliary array; c (input) flevel is a double precision input variable, algorithm c stops if a value of objective function is less than c flevel; c (output) fn is a double precision output variable, the value of c objective function; c (input) ro is a double precision input variable, initial step- c size with respect to x ( ro > 0 ); c (input) rodecr is a double precision input variable, a decrease c coefficient of the stepsize ro ( 0 < rodecr < 1, re- c commendable value rodecr=0.7 ); c (input) roincr is a double precision input variable, an increase c coefficient of the stepsize ro ( roincr > 1, recom- c mendable value roincr=1.25 ); c (input) bstep is a double precision input variable, a stepsize c with respect to the matrix b ( 0 < bstep < 1, recom- c mendable value bstep=0.65 ); c (input) ifpr is an integer input variable, a channel number for c print file; c (input) noprin is an integer input variable, a print interval (each c noprin iteration vectors x,gr are written in the file c with channel number ifpr); c (output) s is an integer output variable, the algorithm itera- c tion number (amount of subgradient calulation); c (output) sfull is an integer output variable, the total amount of c objective function calculation; c (input) smax is an integer input variable, a maximal amount of the c algorithm iteration (algorithm stops if s is equal c smax ); c (input) grstop is a double precision input variable, algorithm stops c if a subgradient norm is less than grstop; c (input) dxstop is a double precision input variable, algorithm c stops if a distance between two successive approxi- c mations is less than dxstop; c (output) lstop is an integer output variable, the return code of the c algorithm: c lstop=0 if algorithm stops when a value of the objec- c tive function is less than flevel, c lstop=1 if algorithm stops when a subgradient norm c is less than grstop, c lstop=2 if algorithm stops when a distance between c two successive approximations is less than c dxstop, c lstop=3 if algorithm stops when s=smax; c c DESCRIPTIONS implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer s,sfull,smax dimension x(n),xpr(n),gr(n),grpr(n),grold(n),b(n,nk),grb(nk), 1 grbb(n),vsold(nk),vsnew(nk) c INITIALIZATION nouv=1 lstep=0 induv=1 sfull=1 s=1 ropr=ro lbadst=0 nbadst=3 grbnrm=1. c FUNCTION CALCULATION call fun(x,n,fn) c FUNCTION VALUE STOP if (flevel.ge.fn) then c WRITE call wrivar(n,x,gr,fn,s,sfull,ro,ifpr,noprin) lstop=0 return end if c SUBGRADIENT CALCULATION call grad(x,gr,n) c WRITE call wrivar(n,x,gr,fn,s,sfull,ro,ifpr,noprin) c CALCULATION OF SUBGRADIENT NORM grnorm=0. do 10 i=1,n grnorm=grnorm+gr(i)**2 10 continue grnorm=dsqrt(grnorm) c SUBGRADIENT NORM STOP if (grnorm.le.grstop) then lstop=1 return end if c SUBGRADIENT NORMALIZATION do 20 i=1,n gr(i)=gr(i)/grnorm 20 continue c BEGINNING OF MAIN CYCLE do 9999 s=1,smax c GROLD MEMORY do 30 i=1,n grold(i)=gr(i) 30 continue c CALCULATION OF GRB,GRBB if (s.eq.1) then do 40 i=1,n grbb(i)=gr(i) 40 continue else do 50 i=1,nk grb(i)=0. do 60 j=1,n grb(i)=grb(i)+b(j,i)*gr(j) 60 continue 50 continue do 70 i=1,n grbb(i)=0. do 80 j=1,nk grbb(i)=grbb(i)+b(i,j)*grb(j) 80 continue 70 continue c CALCULATION OF GRB NORM grbnrm=0. do 90 i=1,nk grbnrm=grbnrm+grb(i)**2 90 continue grbnrm=dsqrt(grbnrm) if ( grbnrm.le.1.d-20) grbnrm=1.d-20 end if c LINE SEARCH 100 continue c XPR,FNPR MEMORY do 110 i=1,n xpr(i)=x(i) 110 continue fnpr=fn c GRPR MEMORY do 120 i=1,n grpr(i)=gr(i) 120 continue shnorm=0. do 130 i=1,n c MOTION IN SPACE X shift=grbb(i)*ro/grbnrm x(i)=x(i)-shift c CALCULATION OF SHIFT NORM shnorm=shnorm+shift**2 130 continue shnorm=dsqrt(shnorm) c SHIFT NORM STOP if (shnorm.le.dxstop) then c WRITE call wrivar(n,x,gr,fn,s,sfull,ro,ifpr,noprin) lstop=2 return end if c FUNCTION CALCULATION call fun(x,n,fn) c FUNCTION VALUE STOP if (flevel.ge.fn) then c WRITE call wrivar(n,x,gr,fn,s,sfull,ro,ifpr,noprin) lstop=0 return end if c SUBGRADIENT CALCULATION call grad(x,gr,n) c INNER PRODUCT SKPR CALCULATION skpr=0. do 140 i=1,n skpr=skpr+grbb(i)*gr(i) 140 continue c INCREASE OF SFULL sfull=sfull+1 c RO CONTROL if (skpr.gt.0.) then lstep=lstep+1 if (s.eq.1) ro=ro*1.5 if (lstep.gt.nouv .and. s.gt.1) ro=ro*roincr go to 100 end if if (lstep.eq.0) ro=ro*rodecr c INCREASE OF LBADST lbadst=lbadst+1 c RO CONTROL if (lstep.gt.0 .and. lbadst.le.nbadst) ro=dmax1(ropr,ro) if (lstep.gt.0) then ropr=ro lbadst=0 end if c CALCULATION OF SUBGRADIENT NORM grnorm=0. do 150 i=1,n grnorm=grnorm+gr(i)**2 150 continue grnorm=dsqrt(grnorm) c SUBGRADIENT NORM STOP if (grnorm.le.grstop) then c WRITE call wrivar(n,x,gr,fn,s,sfull,ro,ifpr,noprin) lstop=1 return end if c SUBGRADIENT NORMALIZATION do 160 i=1,n gr(i)=gr(i)/grnorm 160 continue c MATRIX B COMPUTATION call regsb(n,nk,s,gr,grold,b,bstep,vsold,vsnew) if (fnpr.lt.fn) then c GR,X,FN RESET do 170 i=1,n x(i)=xpr(i) 170 continue fn=fnpr if (lstep.gt.0) then c CALCULATION OF GRPR NORM grnorm=0. do 180 i=1,n grnorm=grnorm+grpr(i)**2 180 continue grnorm=dsqrt(grnorm) c SUBGRADIENT NORM STOP if (grnorm.le.grstop) then c WRITE call wrivar(n,x,gr,fn,s,sfull,ro,ifpr,noprin) lstop=1 return end if c GRPR NORMALIZATION do 190 i=1,n grpr(i)=grpr(i)/grnorm 190 continue end if do 200 i=1,n gr(i)=grpr(i) 200 continue end if c WRITE call wrivar(n,x,gr,fn,s,sfull,ro,ifpr,noprin) c LSTEP RESET lstep=0 c END OF MAIN CYCLE 9999 continue lstop=3 return end c MATRIX B CALCULATION subroutine regsb(n,nk,s,gr,grold,b,bstep,vsold,vsnew) c IDENTIFICATION c Update matrix b using the gradient method with respect to b. c Fortran 77 subroutine written by S. Uryasev at the International c Institute for Applied System Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg Austria. c Version of December 24 1989. c c PURPOSE c Update matrix b using the subgradient method. c c CONTROL c c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) c integer s c dimension gr(n),grold(n),b(n,nk),vsold(nk),vsnew(nk) c ... c call regsb(n,nk,s,gr,grold,b,bstep,vsold,vsnew) c ... c c where c (input) n is an integer input variable, the number of rows in c the matrix b; c (input) nk is an integer input variable, the number of columns in c the matrix b (if RAM is enough for n*n numbers than c nk=n, otherwise 1 < nk < n); c (input) s is an integer input variable, the algorithm itera- c tion number; c (input) gr is a double precision input array, the subgradient c of the objective function; c (input) grold is a double precision input array containing c the subgradient of the objective function at the c previous point; c (input- c output) b is a double precision input-output array for metric c change; c (input) bstep is a double precision input variable, a stepsize c with respect to matrix b ( 0 < bstep < 1 ); c (auxil) vsold is a double precision auxiliary array; c (auxil) vsnew is a double precision auxiliary array; implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer s dimension gr(n),grold(n),b(n,nk),vsold(nk),vsnew(nk) c ASSIGNING OF INITIAL B if (s.eq.1) then do 180 i=1,n do 190 j=1,nk if (i.eq.j) then b(i,j)=1. else b(i,j)=0. end if 190 continue 180 continue end if c CALCULATION OF VSOLD,VSNEW do 200 j=1,nk vsold(j)=0. vsnew(j)=0. do 210 i=1,n vsold(j)=vsold(j)+b(i,j)*grold(i) vsnew(j)=vsnew(j)+b(i,j)*gr(i) 210 continue 200 continue c B CALCULATION do 220 i=1,n do 230 j=1,nk b(i,j)=b(i,j)+bstep*(gr(i)*vsold(j)+grold(i)*vsnew(j)) 230 continue 220 continue return end subroutine wrivar(n,x,gr,fn,s,sfull,ro,ifpr,noprin) c c IDENTIFICATION c The subroutine for algorithm trajectory writing. c Fortran 77 subroutine written by S. Uryasev at the International c Institute for Applied System Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg Austria. c Version of December 24 1989. c c PURPOSE c To write the algorithm trajectory in a file with channel number ifpr. c c CONTROL c c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) c integer s,sfull c dimension x(n),gr(n) c ... c call wrivar(n,x,gr,fn,s,sfull,ro,ifpr,noprin) c ... c c where c (input) n is an integer input variable, the dimension of the c vector x; c (input) x is a double precision input array containing the c vector x to be written in the file; c (input) gr is a double precision input array containing the c vector gr to be written in the file; c (input) fn is a double precision input variable, the value of c objective function to be written in the file; c (input) s is an integer input variable, the algorithm itera- c tion number to be written in the file; c (input) sfull is an integer input variable, the algorithm full c iteration number to be written in the file; c (input) ro is a double precision input variable, initial step- c size to be written in the file; c (input) ifpr is an integer input variable, a channel number for c print file; c (input) noprin is an integer input variable, a print interval (each c noprin iteration vectors x,gr are written in the file c with channel number ifpr); c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) integer s,sfull dimension x(n),gr(n) linlen=8 ncycle=(n-1)/linlen+1 if ((mod(s,noprin).eq.0) .or. (sfull.eq.1)) then do 10 ic=1,ncycle ism=(ic-1)*linlen+1 igr=ic*linlen if (igr.gt.n) igr=n write(ifpr,9000)(i,i=ism,igr) write(ifpr,9010)(x(i),i=ism,igr) write(ifpr,9020)(gr(i),i=ism,igr) 10 continue end if write(ifpr,9030)s,fn,sfull,ro 9000 format(/,3x,10i14) 9010 format(' x',10d14.6) 9020 format(' gr',10d14.6) 9030 format(' s=',i5,' fn=',d15.9,' sfull=',i5, 1' ro=',d14.6) return end c GRAD CALCULATION subroutine grad(x,gr,n) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension x(n),gr(n) ds=dsign(1.,x(2)-x(1)) ds1=dsign(1.,x(1)-1.) gr(1)=-100.0*ds+ds1 gr(2)=100.0*ds return end c FN CALCULATION subroutine fun(x,n,fn) implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) dimension x(n) fn=100.0*dabs(x(2)-x(1))+dabs(x(1)-1.) return end ########################################################################### THE TEST RUN ############################################################################# 1 2 x .100000D+02 .100000D+01 gr .101000D+03 -.100000D+03 s= 1 fn= .909000000D+03 sfull= 1 ro= .100000D+00 s= 1 fn= .162723473D+03 sfull= 10 ro= .256289D+01 s= 2 fn= .545295975D+02 sfull= 12 ro= .256289D+01 s= 3 fn= .191032852D+02 sfull= 14 ro= .256289D+01 s= 4 fn= .801436723D+01 sfull= 16 ro= .256289D+01 s= 5 fn= .220897029D+01 sfull= 18 ro= .256289D+01 s= 6 fn= .183874144D+00 sfull= 20 ro= .256289D+01 s= 7 fn= .183874144D+00 sfull= 21 ro= .179402D+01 s= 8 fn= .183874144D+00 sfull= 22 ro= .125582D+01 s= 9 fn= .183874144D+00 sfull= 23 ro= .879071D+00 1 2 x .104734D+01 .104598D+01 gr .710616D+00 -.703580D+00 s= 10 fn= .183874144D+00 sfull= 24 ro= .615350D+00 s= 11 fn= .183874144D+00 sfull= 25 ro= .430745D+00 s= 12 fn= .183874144D+00 sfull= 26 ro= .301521D+00 s= 13 fn= .183874144D+00 sfull= 27 ro= .211065D+00 s= 14 fn= .183874144D+00 sfull= 28 ro= .147746D+00 s= 15 fn= .143392258D+00 sfull= 29 ro= .103422D+00 s= 16 fn= .136059952D+00 sfull= 31 ro= .103422D+00 s= 17 fn= .575391675D-01 sfull= 33 ro= .103422D+00 s= 18 fn= .575391675D-01 sfull= 34 ro= .723953D-01 s= 19 fn= .571824912D-01 sfull= 35 ro= .506767D-01 1 2 x .999683D+00 .100024D+01 gr -.710616D+00 .703580D+00 s= 20 fn= .559306508D-01 sfull= 37 ro= .103422D+00 s= 21 fn= .559306508D-01 sfull= 38 ro= .723953D-01 s= 22 fn= .559306508D-01 sfull= 39 ro= .506767D-01 s= 23 fn= .363386714D-01 sfull= 41 ro= .103422D+00 s= 24 fn= .363386714D-01 sfull= 42 ro= .723953D-01 s= 25 fn= .363386714D-01 sfull= 43 ro= .506767D-01 s= 26 fn= .189796495D-01 sfull= 45 ro= .103422D+00 s= 27 fn= .189796495D-01 sfull= 46 ro= .723953D-01 s= 28 fn= .189796495D-01 sfull= 47 ro= .506767D-01 s= 29 fn= .189796495D-01 sfull= 48 ro= .354737D-01 1 2 x .100006D+01 .999871D+00 gr .710616D+00 -.703580D+00 s= 30 fn= .189796495D-01 sfull= 49 ro= .248316D-01 s= 31 fn= .189796495D-01 sfull= 50 ro= .173821D-01 s= 32 fn= .189796495D-01 sfull= 51 ro= .121675D-01 s= 33 fn= .176156421D-01 sfull= 53 ro= .121675D-01 s= 34 fn= .512740182D-02 sfull= 54 ro= .851723D-02 s= 35 fn= .512740182D-02 sfull= 55 ro= .596206D-02 s= 36 fn= .444511761D-02 sfull= 57 ro= .121675D-01 s= 37 fn= .444511761D-02 sfull= 58 ro= .851723D-02 s= 38 fn= .444511761D-02 sfull= 59 ro= .596206D-02 s= 39 fn= .200125851D-02 sfull= 60 ro= .417344D-02 1 2 x .999975D+00 .999956D+00 gr .703545D+00 -.710651D+00 s= 40 fn= .200125851D-02 sfull= 61 ro= .292141D-02 s= 41 fn= .200125851D-02 sfull= 62 ro= .204499D-02 s= 42 fn= .194032776D-02 sfull= 64 ro= .204499D-02 s= 43 fn= .183937718D-02 sfull= 65 ro= .143149D-02 s= 44 fn= .104594552D-02 sfull= 66 ro= .100204D-02 s= 45 fn= .717753307D-03 sfull= 68 ro= .204499D-02 s= 46 fn= .717753307D-03 sfull= 69 ro= .143149D-02 s= 47 fn= .688033786D-03 sfull= 70 ro= .100204D-02 s= 48 fn= .642039275D-03 sfull= 71 ro= .701431D-03 s= 49 fn= .642039275D-03 sfull= 72 ro= .491002D-03 1 2 x .999619D+00 .999619D+00 gr -.710616D+00 .703580D+00 s= 50 fn= .426179828D-03 sfull= 73 ro= .343701D-03 s= 51 fn= .320117628D-03 sfull= 75 ro= .343701D-03 s= 52 fn= .320117628D-03 sfull= 76 ro= .240591D-03 s= 53 fn= .144816023D-03 sfull= 77 ro= .168414D-03 s= 54 fn= .144816023D-03 sfull= 78 ro= .117889D-03 s= 55 fn= .144816023D-03 sfull= 79 ro= .825226D-04 s= 56 fn= .104966055D-03 sfull= 80 ro= .577658D-04 s= 57 fn= .875869178D-04 sfull= 82 ro= .577658D-04 s= 58 fn= .290542586D-04 sfull= 84 ro= .577658D-04 s= 59 fn= .290542586D-04 sfull= 85 ro= .404361D-04 1 2 x .100000D+01 .100000D+01 gr .710616D+00 -.703580D+00 s= 60 fn= .119560181D-04 sfull= 86 ro= .283053D-04 s= 61 fn= .119560181D-04 sfull= 87 ro= .198137D-04 s= 62 fn= .119560181D-04 sfull= 88 ro= .138696D-04 s= 63 fn= .815103827D-05 sfull= 89 ro= .970870D-05 s= 64 fn= .815103827D-05 sfull= 89 ro= .970870D-05